Friday, August 31, 2012

[Freya-dæg] All-Request August Pt. 5: This Means War

{This Means War's movie poster, found on Wikipedia.}

Plot Summary
The Good
The Bad


When I first saw the previews for This Means War I thought that Hollywood had finally moved onto something new in the rom-com genre. I thought that the usual romantic comedy formula had been done away with and things had begun to progress onto something more substantial. I thought, for a while, that we all had a bromedy (bromantic comedy) on our hands.

Of course, thoughts and reality aren't always in accord, I thought as I sat down to watch this movie to round off All-Request August. Let's see just how much my thoughts and the reality of this movie jive.

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Plot Summary

Tuck (Tom Hardy) and FDR (Chris Pine) are two of the CIA's top agents. They're great in the field together, and back at the office they're some of the most popular guys in the agency. But there's something that can tear even the closest of friends apart, something that can be more heinous that a plot to destroy the world, more scheming than any mastermind looking to destroy the diamond market, or more maniacal than a mogul interested in assassinating the leader of the free world. A woman.

Lauren (Reese Witherspoon) is busy at being a product testing executive. Maybe a little too busy, or so her friend Trish (Chelsea Handler) thinks. So she creates a profile for Lauren on an internet dating site - and, seeing the same ad on television, so does Tuck!

But little do either of them know that this will lead to a three-way meeting that might just tear apart the two fastest of friends and put the whole of America at risk. In fact, if they can't resolve their differences it might be more than just these two rivals in love declaring: This Means War!

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The Good

Full disclosure, I thought right. This Means War does actually do things a little bit differently from the standard modern romantic comedy. Rather than focusing on a couple who has lost their spark, this movie focuses on two friends and what happens when a woman comes between them. Plus, we do see a little bit of a bromance between Tuck and FDR.

It also sort of portrays some strong, independent women. In fact, all of what it says that's positive can be summed up in Lauren's friend's advice: "Don't choose the better guy, choose the guy that's gonna make you the better girl."

What's more, throughout the movie we actually see some real character growth in FDR. He starts off as a stereotypical American alpha male, but he winds up completely changed (more or less) but for the better. In essence, we actually see him grow up over the course of the film in a lot of ways.

Speaking much more broadly, the movie's premise of spies using their resources to woo the same girl could be interpreted as an evolution of Cyrano de Bergerac's romantic-helper sub-plot. However, instead of both friends working together, or in any otherwise strictly co-operative way, they act on a much more individual basis.

They both rely on teams to gather information on each other and on Lauren, but they use all of this information as individuals, subjecting the raw data to their own analysis, thoughts, and figurings. In that way, then, the premise of this movie lends itself well to a celebration of the power of the individual in the digital age (if say, we replace the teams of data miners with other people who provide people with information, like say, bloggers).

Add to all of this some frenetic action sequences that are intense but easily followed and all-around well done, and you've got yourself an incredible movie.

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The Bad

However, in the case of This Means War you'll get all of that and about 30 minutes more. Or rather, too much.

The movie hums along nicely through its first act and most of its second act, with nary a care. There's some morally dark, privacy invasion issues raised by Tuck's and FDR's bugging Lauren's home (while she's in it, no less), but that sort of thing is built into the premise.

What's harder to get past is how the movie deteriorates as the third act comes into view and then crumbles entirely by the time it ends.

Up until the penultimate climactic scene where Lauren, Tuck, and FDR are all together for the first time the movie has, though slightly awkwardly, shown character growth, suggested that it's okay for women to be bold and independent, and made the wise-cracking friend role more of a wise-friend role. But, once the three meet all of this falls apart.

In this scene, Lauren becomes a hyperventilating mess, her friend goes back on everything she's said up to that point by saying "I told you you shouldn't have dated two guys at once," after towing the exact opposite line for the first 2/3 of the movie, and Tuck and FDR are broken up without any real threat to their relationship since the movie's big bad has been spotted and it's still their mission to take him down. What's more, the big bad kidnaps Lauren and Trish, as if they're perfectly helpless damsels in the face of gritty reality - contrary to what the rest of the movie has suggested.

What makes this reversal worse is that the movie telegraphs that it's coming almost from minute one.

The emphasis throughout the first two acts is firmly placed on the romantic stuff at the cost of the spy stuff - but the big bad that's out to get Tuck and FDR for what they did in the opening scene is still there, lurking just out of frame and begging to have his part of the plot resolved. This fulfilment comes in a rush of high-paced action. Up to this point the action's just been drizzled over the two agents' comic rivalry. So it's clear that he's going to be the focus of act three.

Between Tuck and FDR, FDR gets far more character development. We learn about his past, a little of what motivates him at present, and we actually see him change over the course of the movie.

However, Tuck remains largely the same as a character. Only his circumstances change, since after it's revealed that he's a secret agent his estranged wife and kid - whom he had formerly convinced that he was a travel agent - come right back to him, no questions asked whatsoever.

And as far as Lauren's character goes, she is portrayed as a successful career woman, but we also get glimpses of her being hung-up on an ex whom she followed to the city while they were still dating. This situation could be made to bolster her as the strong female figure that she more or less is, but at the same time this is clearly an illusion.

Without ever getting a reason for it, we're shown that she still has a thing for this ex in spite of his being engaged and, by the very rules of the movie, thus unattainable. You could argue that this unattainability makes her want him back all the more, but since it's not clear what made him so special in the first place Lauren's jealousy and desire aren't given enough motivation to take full advantage of the unattainability angle.

The negative transformation of Lauren's friend is a little less predictable. Yet, just before she turns into the "I told you so" character that rom-coms are well known for having, we see her in a setting that's more everyday than those in which we've seen her previously. This is also the scene where she gives Lauren her sage advice.

So what's the situation? Helping her son repair a baseball mitt, while sitting on the couch in her living room and talking about how she loves her husband because he's her own man, despite his faults. This is sweet and all, but it entirely contradicts the firebrand that we've seen her as before. This isn't to say that mothers can't simultaneously be firebrands and motherly (real people are complex, of course), but there's no build up to this scene.

Further, it suggests something curious about marriage that the rest of the movie works towards as well.

The motherly scene with Trish, Tuck's lack of development, FDR's full-on development, and Lauren's loosening up all suggest that marriage is some sort of solidifying ritual. That it somehow locks people into what's truly best for them and that this means, to varying degrees, that growth is no longer necessary for a person.

This is why I've taken this away from the movie: all of its unmarried characters change gradually, we see them grow, evolve, and become something different from what they were at the movie's beginning. Conversely, all of the characters who are married do not change (Trish's sudden change is out of character, but not unpredictable since the movie is constantly reminding us that she's married and has a kid).

It may not have been the movie's intent, but since we're given two main characters (Tuck and FDR) it's hard to not compare the two. And any comparison shows that while unmarried the one changes, and while married the other does not change.

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The story of two men competing for one woman is definitely nothing new.

Chaucer's Knight tells the story of Arcite, Palamon, and Emily in the Canterbury Tales - written in the latter half of the 14th century. And Chaucer didn't create the Knight's Tale from pure inspiration, it was a shortened version of a story by Giovanni Boccaccio, which itself probably has even deeper historical roots.

However, This Means War does show some character growth within its love-triangle.

Yet, at the same time, it's kind of surprising that this movie got made. Especially now, in a world of phone tapping and drone strikes, and all manner of privacy invasions being made possible by the internet and the degree to which we're all connected to it. It would've made much more sense had they explicitly addressed this in the movie rather than just calling it "immoral" right before an action sequence.

The movie also promotes some of the old curious romcom axioms: marriage saves, and women who are all about their career only mellow out once they meet a man.

There is potential in This Means War, but all of that potential, like an unsatisfying story draft, gets crumpled up by the end of the second act and intricately tossed into a decorative garbage can in the third.

So, Freya, this one may yet moan and move about on the littered ground of the Field of Fallen Films, but don't let yourself be fooled into raising it up. Ultimately, it's just muscle memory at work.

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Next week, the blog update continues, but depending on how much of it gets done over the weekend, regular updates might just return to this blog. Regardless of my progress through that to do list, however, I'll be giving In The Name of the King a look next Friday, and am hoping to find something hospitable within it.

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Blog Update: Plodding (Update Entry #6)

Little by little I am, as they say, "gettin' 'er done":

  • Recorded, edited, and uploaded all of the missing translation recordings (over at Tongues in Jars);
  • My plan right now is to spend as much of the weekend as I can editing these and the newest Telos AM podcast, so that come Sunday night they're all finished.
  • Created and posted a hyperlinked portfolio page on these blogs;
  • The hyperlinks are all that's left for these.
  • Sent out two short stories to magazines;
  • To be 100% sure that it's as good as I can get it, I've decided to send out my story to pre-readers before I let it into the world at large.
  • Outlined the entirety of the fantasy novel that I'm currently writing;
  • Reading what I have to refresh my memory and making this outline will be a great way to break up my otherwise audio editing intensive weekend.
  • Completed five of those chapters;
  • Without a plan, my ideas for these chapters are so nebulous that I can't yet grasp their form.
  • Completed the next act (four scenes) of an audio drama I'm working on;
  • No progress yet.
  • Created a Commissions page (accessible through every blog) to accept new commissions.
  • Completed! I'll likely be adding fan fiction to the options, I just need to figure out some things about that.

In less than an hour check back here for my search for the salvageable in This Means War.

And, as always, check out my examiner page for some of my writing on video games.

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Blog Update - Portfolio'd! (Update Entry #5)

The update is slowly moving forward. Here's where the list stands:

  • Recorded, edited, and uploaded all of the missing translation recordings (over at Tongues in Jars);
  • These recordings will be edited at some point over the next four days. I'll probably edit them the same day that I sit down to edit the newest Telos AM podcast.
  • Created and posted a hyperlinked portfolio page on these blogs;
  • All the citations are up. I now just need to get them all hyperlinked and work out how to improve the appearance of this page.
  • Sent out two short stories to magazines;
  • Magazine lists still need to be compiled, but I'm confident that my stories are ready.
  • Outlined the next 10 chapters for the fantasy novel I'm writing;
  • I still need to read the rest of what I've written to date. However, inspired by the great Writing Excuses podcast, I've decided to outline the entirety of this novel before going forward with writing it.
  • Completed five of those chapters;
  • The plan is still outstanding, so the same can be said of these chapters.
  • Completed the next act (four scenes) of an audio drama I'm working on;
  • No progress yet.
  • Created a Commissions page (accessible through every blog) to accept new commissions.
  • This is the next thing that will be crossed off the list.

Come Friday this blog will be home to a double header: the next blog update, and my look for the likeable in This Means War.

Plus, if you want to read some of my writing on video games, check out my examiner page.

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Monday, August 27, 2012

Blog Break Purpose (Update Entry #4)

Working on something other than this blog has reminded me why I wanted to pause my regular updates in the first place.

One of my reasons was to make these blogs more coherent, and the other was to bring writing fiction back into my routine. Somewhere in the mix, I forgot that I am a writer and not a PR guy or social media wizard. So, this is the revised to-do list that has things directly related to these two purposes in mind:

  • Recorded, edited, and uploaded all of the missing translation recordings (over at Tongues in Jars);
  • These recordings still need to be edited. I'm slowly psyching myself up to tackle this.
  • Created and posted a hyperlinked portfolio page on these blogs;
  • All citations will be up over the next two days, and at that point I'll add this as a blog page. Every citation will be hyperlinked by the weekend.
  • Sent out two short stories to magazines;
  • After my current work is done I'm going to pull out my copy of The Short Story and Novel Writer's Market, pick the ten best venues for each story I'll be sending, and then I'll send them. This is still likely to be the last thing from this list to get finished.
  • Outlined the next 10 chapters for the fantasy novel I'm writing;
  • I've read some of what I'd written and, aside from being a little ashamed of my younger self (ah, what a difference a year can make!), I've got a plan percolating. I'd previously guessed this step would be done for today, but alas, it has not. Still, this item is the most likely to be crossed off the list come Wednesday.
  • Completed five of those chapters;
  • The plan is still outstanding, so the same can be said of these chapters.
  • Completed the next act (four scenes) of an audio drama I'm working on;
  • No progress yet.
  • Created a Commissions page (accessible through every blog) to accept new commissions.
  • Since my two previous commissions have been completed, I have no reason to not set up this page. Expect it over the next two days.

Check back here on Wednesday for the to-do list's current status. Check back on Friday for my search for the salient in This Means War. Oh, and, if you want to see some of my non-Blogger-hosted writing, check out my video game blog over at
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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Blog Break Paused (Update Entry #3)

My writing work has picked up over the past two days, and so I haven't had time to make any further progress on the blog updates.

However, over the next two days I will be making time to tackle a task or two from the to-do list.

Check back here then for a progress report. Also, if you haven't already, track down and watch This Means War, the final film for this year's All-Request August.

Friday, August 24, 2012

[Freya-dæg] All-Request August Pt. 4: (Legend of) Earthsea

{The Legend of Earthsea's DVD cover, found on Wikipedia.}

Plot Summary
The Good
The Bad


Normally, I don't do things that aren't movies, but when a request for the Legend of Earthsea (later shortened to Earthsea) came through, I simply could not refuse. Ursula K. Le Guin is a master of the crafts of fantasy and science fiction, and anything based on her work is something that I was sure I could find some good in.

So, let's see what I came out with.

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Plot Summary

Ged (Shawn Ashmore) is a typical young man living in a small village. He's skilled with magic and learning from a local wise woman while his father (Dave 'Squatch' Ward) tries to corral him into blacksmithing. Amidst it all though, Ged would rather be spending time with his best friend, Diana (Erin Karpluk). However, beyond the island of Gont, trouble brews. The king of the Kargides, Tygath (Sebastian Roché), is plotting to bring all of the 1,001 islands of Earthsea under his command for the sake of peace.

The king's campaign eventually brings him to Ged's village, where the young wizard uses his wiles to outwit the king's soldiers, but at a terrible cost - the loss of his place as a mere blacksmith and the fulfilment of his greatest desire: to be somebody known and important.

With the promise of his powers pulling him onwards, Ged is thrust into a world of magic and wonder that he cannot begin to comprehend. At the same time, the Kargide king's plan to seize an ultimate, dark power from an order of priestesses is in full swing. Can Ged learn to control his power in time? Will the Kargide king's evil schemes come to fruition? The answers are sure shake all of Earthsea!

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The Good

The mini-series begins with some typical fantasy things: the village boy with great hidden power, a mysterious old wise woman, and a call for adventure (some key ingredients in Joseph Campbell's theory of the "Hero's Journey"). Yet these elements are presented in a way that develops them.

We see Ged and Diana (with some of the best chemistry in the series) live out a relationship that's similar to Link and Saria's in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

In fact, the scene where Ged and Diana part ways is just as effective as that in which Link and Saria do the same. We also see Ged and his father's relationship very quickly develop as the two are brought into conflict over the death of Ged's mother and their differing views of what's best for Ged. Plus, the introduction of the great wizard Ogion (Danny Glover) is quite well done.

Earthsea's effects are also quite well done, considering that this was produced in 2004 and on the sort of budget that SyFy (formerly Sci Fi) seems infamous for providing its many mini-series.

In some ways these effects are reminiscent of the animations you'd find in Baldur's Gate on the PC, or of those seen in Hercules: The Legendary Journeys or Xena: Warrior Princess.

The effects aren't breathtakingly realistic (for the most part) but they aren't enough to break the magic and wonder that the mini-series is trying to portray.

On that subject, the world's magic is indeed interesting. Being based on the idea of all things having true names, it doesn't go out of its way to be terribly original (the idea was all the rage among Renaissance thinkers), but it does deliver some intrigue here and there.

The matter of Ged's summoning a shadow - a nameless one - is absolutely fascinating. In fact, this might be the single, best-done part of the movie since his shadow, the Gebbeth (Mark Acheson), is a very effective villain. He's just like Ged, but also always lurking and always threatening until the very end. Unsurprisingly, this is one of the few things brought over from the original novels.

The mini-series' climax definitely delivers, largely because it's the only instance of a real sword fight in the whole thing. This brief duel between Ged and the evil king Tygath is a great fight - possibly because it's the only one we see. Nonetheless, it's definitely a good sign when the series' writers and producers don't go and make their hero an instant swordmaster, and when fight choreography goes fairly smoothly.

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The Bad

But the same can't be said for directors and those in charge of casting.

The mini-series' major characters (Ged, Tenar (Kristin Kreuk), Tygath, Thar (Isabella Rossellini), and to some extent Ged's fellow wizard Vetch (Chris Gauthier)) are fairly well-cast, but almost every other actor on screen just doesn't seem to be into it.

One of the essential things that an actor must do in any fantasy movie/mini-series is sell that fantasy; they need to become their character more than ever. This need for an actor to get lost in their role is essential because fantasy stories by their very nature ask their audiences to suspend their disblelief. If the actors aren't entirely into their characters or their lines, that disbelief will be awakened.

It's fair to aim the same sort of double-edged comment at the world's magic system.

The idea of "true names" is a good one to work with, but the reason why it was so popular historically is because it was explained. The original "true language" was thought to be some variation of Hebrew (or, in an eccentric case, Old High Dutch) since that's what the Old Testament was written in, or some sort of celestial or angelic language, since lost to humanity.

Regardless of the varying opinion of whatever the true language is, the point is: People latched onto the idea of an original, Adamic language during the flourishing of humanistic thought in Europe because there were logical speculations about which language is the true language. Not so in Earthsea.

Never are we told who spoke the language of the true names originally, nor how anyone learns true names for things (though there does appear to be a wizarding specialty in true names).

Because we don't get any kind of explanation for this concept it falls flat. Magic can be on the edge of logic (and often is), but it's still within logic. If you don't try to explain it, or even simply have a character say something like "that information is forever lost," then it suggests that you just don't care about keeping your magic system logical.

Moreover, late in the mini-series we learn that faith and magic are somehow opposed to each other. This could make sense if it was explained, but once again no effort is made to explain why there's a rift between two things that are ostensibly forms of extreme concentration.

The other major problem with this mini-series is that it simply tries to do too much. Up until the point where Ged leaves Ogion for the first time, we see enough that we can digest and understand and believe. But once he gets to the magic school the mini-series tries to encapsulate more than it can handle.

Where we could have had a fully realized school with a student body that's as dynamic as that in any of the Harry Potter movies, we get one where we only know the headmaster, Ged's fellow wizard Vetch, the bully Jasper, and a bookish girl who may as well have had a spell of silence on her.

{The redhead on the left communicates almost entirely through looks.}

What's more, the other side of the story, that which is going on with the Kargides and the order of priestesses in charge of protecting the seal on the nameless ones just drags and drags and drags.

Nothing of interest or intrigue is successfully accomplished in this plot-line because it's been done before in its entirey, and, what's more, everywhere it's been done it's been done better. Kossil (Jennifer Calvert) and Tygath's plot to force the high priestess into choosing her as her successor so that she can learn the words to break the seal and she and Tygath can become immortal is played out so predictably that it's almost cringe worthy to watch the transitions from Ged's plot-line to that of the order. Though what Kossil does with one of the women she has to murder along the way is kind of interesting.

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The TV mini-series Earthsea has its strengths and its weaknesses. It presents some decent actors and some curious characters and wraps them in a fantasy world based on one of the greatest works in the genre, but the essential thing to remember is that it's just that: Based on those books.

What the mini-series fails to capitalize on is the main focus of Le Guin's Earthsea: the conflict between Ged and the Gebbeth that he inadvertently conjures. The otherwise cookie-cutter fantasy story that we get is just filler, essentially. Though why they'd want to do this is beyond understanding.

The cost of making a high-intensity drama where a young wizard faces his inner demons couldn't be that large, and the cast of characters could be unaffected, since that wizard and his demons would have to interact to get across what Le Guin's words did in her writing. Yet this is what we get, this is the Earthsea that was committed to film and publicly aired.

It's an all right mini-series, but it just doesn't bring enough of its potential to bear. Alas, like the wizard that never finds a teacher, this mini-series never found a competent team to bring it together effectively. Watch it for its great beginning, cool climax, and excellent magic, but in between these high points be ready to feel like Ged and Vetch do throughout much of the movie:

So, Freya, grasp this one by the hand if you happen to pass over it, but don't pull, lest its muscled and mighty arm come off of its rotting, leprous corpse.

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Next week, check back here for Part Five of All-Request August: a look for the good in This Means War. Also, check back here every two days for updates on the progress of my blogs' updates.

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Blog Break Progressing (Update Entry #2)

The blog update has picked up a bit over the last two days, but so has my non-blog work. As a result, the to-do list has seen steady progress but less than I'd expected. As of tonight here is where each task stands:

  • Recorded, edited, and uploaded all of the missing translation recordings (over at Tongues in Jars);
  • All of the outstanding recordings for Tongues in Jars are now finished and just need to be edited and posted.
  • Created and posted a hyperlinked portfolio page on these blogs;
  • I'm in the middle of completing the entries for the portfolio - about 1/3 are finished and almost all of them are hyperlinked.
  • Made all of the titles of entries uniform across both blogs;
  • Sent out two short stories to magazines;
  • I have the short stories chosen, and just need to send them. However, this task might be the last to be finished since I still need to organize a list of prospects.
  • Created a central, personal blog on tumblr;
  • I now have a tumblr account, but it isn't yet set up as a blog page. Expect more on this front soon.
  • Created a Facebook Writer/Author page;
  • I now have a Facebook Writer's page, but it's still something of a blank slate. You can find it here.
  • Outlined the next 10 chapters for the fantasy novel I'm writing;
  • I've peeked at what I have written so far, but since I haven't done anything outside of world building for months, I need to re-read it more closely. This should be completed by Monday at the latest.
  • Completed five of those chapters;
  • Since the plan still needs writing, these chapters aren't anywhere near being written just yet.
  • Completed the next act (four scenes) of an audio drama I'm working on;
  • No progress yet.
  • Completed my two outstanding commissions;
  • Both of these have been completed and just need to be shown to the people who've requested them. Since I've done all I can with them (for now), I've crossed them off this list.
  • Created a Commissions page (accessible through every blog) to accept new commissions.
  • The draft is still sitting, just as it was on Tuesday.

Check back here on Saturday for the to-do list's current status.

And, of course, be sure to catch tomorrow's All-Request August movie review: A look at the TV mini-series Earthsea!

Plus, for some of my writing that's not hosted on Blogger, check out my video game blog over at

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Blog Break Progress (Update Entry #1)

So far the to-do list has been going slowly. However, as of tonight here is where each task stands:

  • Recorded, edited, and uploaded all of the missing translation recordings (over at Tongues in Jars);
  • All of the Beowulf passages that have "{Forthcoming}" where their recordings should be are one step closer to having them there. I've finished recording all of them and now just need to edit and post them. I still need to record "O Fortuna."
  • Created and posted a hyperlinked portfolio page on these blogs;
  • I've planned out how I'm going to do this, but haven't enacted the plan yet.
  • Made all of the titles of entries uniform across both blogs;
  • This task has been completed.
  • Sent out two short stories to magazines;
  • I have two short stories that I've sent off to recent contests (unsuccessfully, alas), but that I'm going to edit and then send.
  • Created a central, personal blog on tumblr;
  • This has been planned out, but hasn't yet been executed.
  • Created a Facebook Writer/Author page;
  • No progress yet.
  • Outlined the next 10 chapters for the fantasy novel I'm writing;
  • No progress on this, directly, but I have been struck with some world-building ideas of late.
  • Completed five of those chapters;
  • See the above.
  • Completed the next act (four scenes) of an audio drama I'm working on;
  • No progress yet.
  • Completed my two outstanding commissions;
  • No progress yet beyond a rough draft and a rough idea.
  • Created a Commissions page (accessible through every blog) to accept new commissions.
  • I have this in draft form, and will be looking it over once I've finished those two commissions.

Check back here for more updates as they come, I plan to post them here bi-daily. Even if that might seem a bit counter-productive.

Also, don't miss part four of All-Request August, a look at the TV mini-series Earthsea.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Why the Blog Break? (Update Entry #0)

My taking a break from these blogs is nothing new. I've done it before a few times but, since each of those breaks has been motivated by an unfulfilled desire to tidy things up and to post new pages, I've decided to stop regular updates to both this blog and Tongues in Jars until I've:

  • Recorded, edited, and uploaded all of the missing translation recordings (over at Tongues in Jars);
  • Created and posted a hyperlinked portfolio page on these blogs;
  • Made all of the titles of entries uniform across both blogs;
  • Sent out two short stories to magazines;
  • Created a central, personal blog on tumblr;
  • Created a Facebook Writer/Author page;
  • Outlined the next 10 chapters for the fantasy novel I'm writing;
  • Completed five of those chapters;
  • Completed the next act (four scenes) of an audio drama I'm working on;
  • Completed my two outstanding commissions;
  • Created a Commissions page (accessible through every blog) to accept new commissions.

I might not be regularly updating these blogs for the next week or two, but I want it to be clear that, despite more than half of the list being indirectly related to my blogs, these blogs (and those reading them) haven't been forgotten. So, as I complete each of these tasks, I'll post an update explaining how the process as a whole is coming along.

Plus, because they're often the most anticipated and the most fun to put together, I'll continue to post my weekly movie redemptions/condemnations while I work on these various tasks.

That said, watch this space for updates on my progress, and for this Friday's attempt to redeem the TV mini-series Earthsea.

Friday, August 17, 2012

[Freya-dæg] All-Request August Pt.3: Squirm

{Squirm's movie poster, found on Wikipedia.}

Plot Summary
The Good
The Bad


The movie Squirm is one among many in the "nature-strikes-back" sub-genre of horror movies. And perhaps, since the part of nature striking back is none other than the humble worm, the surprise is supposed to horrify as much as the premise itself.

But is this movie really so horrible as to deserve the 30% (from critics) and 28% (from audiences) that it has over at Rotten Tomatoes? Let's find out whether those tomatoes are rotten or just soft because they're worm-eaten.

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Plot Summary

Mick, a young man from the city, comes to Fly Creek to meet with a girl he met at an antiques show named Geri. However, the idyllic Southern setting of their romantic rendezvous is ravaged by a storm the night before he sets out and one thing after another goes wrong.

First, he has to wade through a swamp and forest to reach Geri's house when the debris blocks his bus' path, then he's accused of hijacking his egg-cream at the local lunch counter. But things get really weird when Mick and Geri go looking for old man Beardsley, the best antiques dealer in town. Of course, just Mick's presence alone is enough to leave Roger, the hopeful for Geri's heart, seething.

What happened to Mr. Beardsley? Why are worms cropping up where they shouldn't be? And to what lengths will Roger go to to make sure that Mick is taken out of the picture?

Sit back and relax - but, also, be ready to Squirm!

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The Good

The acting in this movie is fine, but the accents - the accents are so bad they rebound into the comical.

Everyone except Mick has a Southern drawl of varying intensity. Some of these are light and breathy like those of Geri, her sister and her mother, while others are as heavy as the hillbillies' from Deliverance.

To top off the overdone characters, Mick plays up the role of red-hot lover to a ridiculous extent.

Yet, despite shots like the above, Mick's act is also restrained enough to keep things from going over the top.

The cinematography at times is also fairly well done, considering the movie's genre. Take this excellent dutch angle shot for instance:

{In this shot Geri's mother is saying "Something evil about it."}

For a B-horror flick, Squirm is a good example of the genre. It takes its scares very seriously, and unlike many of the horror films put out today, it relies more on psychological horror than shock horror.

A prime example of this in the film is a scene where Mick and Geri find the Sheriff eating spaghetti with a woman. They tell him about a skeleton they've found, and mention worms a number of times. The woman seems to be there as the audience proxy as she slows herself down and at one point even puts down her utensils - eating spaghetti while talking about worms is never an easy task!

But, the expected scare never happens. None of the spaghetti bits turn out to be the movie's starring monster.

What's more, the movie clearly establishes the potential for the worm-as-spaghetti scare when, earlier in the film, Mick finds a worm in his egg cream (soda) - the next logical step is to have one on a plate of spaghetti, but it never happens. Although it's a relatively small detail, the film is much stronger for leaving this cheap, expected scare out.

Further, even when it doesn't build up the scares, the movie can be down right terrifying. Things get into spoiler territory here, so skip the next paragraph if you're worried about such things.

When Roger gets attacked by the worms we expect them just to kill him. Just to leave him a skeleton as they did the others they've destroyed. Instead, the worms seem to, well, possess him, making him a strange (undead?) worm-man hybrid. This is terrifying visually (thanks to Oscar-winning make-up artist Rick Baker), and also conceptually as we see the worms wriggle up under the skin of Roger's face, leaving welts in their wake.

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The Bad

But, why Roger gets possessed while the worms kill everyone else they attack is never explained. This lack of explanation exposes the films' major weakness: its premise is never given any kind of detailed treatment.

Granted, Roger does tell us that when his dad started the worm farm he tried to use electricity to get them out of the ground and that this enraged them (to the point where they bit most of his thumb off), but we don't get any information on how these enraged worms operate.

Case in point, the worms knock down a tree, late in the movie, destroying the dining room in Geri's house while her family and Mick are in it. But this is the first they've knocked down - such a tree's being selected and knocked down suggests some level of consciousness. It seems that they're out to get Mick, and maybe Geri as well.

The other thing that's ill-explained is the worms' being dispersed by "light." This makes little sense because they couldn't have attacked Roger if such was the case, having done so in broad daylight. However, the way that they react to light later in the movie suggests that it's the heat they don't like, not the light. And if this were established as the worm deterrent rather than light when Mick voices his realization, it would help the movie as a whole make more sense.

Now, the same narrow miss at sense is present in the case of Roger.

Because he had his thumb mostly eaten by worms before, it's possible that he has some kind of bond with them. Pair that with his hatred for Mick as competition in the romantic field (though Geri's mother seems to have the hots for him, for some reason), and you have yourself an explanation for his becoming a weird quasi-zombie after the worms' initial attack on him. But this connection is never clearly established. It's strongly implied, but nothing explicit is ever said about it.

Perhaps, though, this is the result of the scientist character being left out of this movie. There's no one in it to say "don't you see...?" or "Of course!" This character could also point out how why, in the world of the movie, this works:

{I've heard of people being oily - but this is pretty ridiculous.}


In fact, a scientist character would be incredibly useful at the movie's end where there are so many loose ends that you could bait all the fishing hooks in a salmon derby with them.

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Squirm is the kind of movie that drive-in theatres would show back when there were more than a few handfuls of drive-in theatres left within the Western world. It's got it's cheesy moments, it's acceptable acting, and its genuinely terrifying bits (so it's also the kind of movie any real life, mack-daddy Mick would approve of). But there are no drive-in theatres anymore.

Times have changed, and the horror genre has changed.

The modern horror movie genre is divided into two sides: One that relies almost entirely on shock horror, and another that relies on human psychology for its scares. Squirm falls in between these two, and so were it to be released now it would probably fall into complete obscurity.

Yet on it's own it does still do what a horror is supposed to do: frighten, scare, and induce a kind of contained paranoia or fear.

However, a truly good horror movie leaves this fear, this paranoia lingering in your mind so that when you flick off the lights that fear can manifest in the darkness of your own home.

Squirm does not manage to do this because it doesn't explain itself well enough. Is Roger possessed? Can Roger control the worms? Does the whole town wind up dead? After the power's fixed and the electricity is no longer running into the ground do the worms go back to being docile?

It's a horror movie that scares, but at the same time forgets that it also needs to tell a complete and coherent story.

So, Freya, fly low if you like, but leave your hook empty for another of the movies in the Field of Fallen Films - this one seems too comfortable where it is, down there in the dark with its worms for company.

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Next week this blog is going to be left to fallow. I'm going to take some time to recalibrate my writing activities so that I can get some of my larger fiction projects moving again and so that I can tidy some things up with my translation blog (as well as with this one).

For full details of the temporary stoppage, check back here tomorrow.

But, though I'm not going to be updating Monday-Thursday, I still plan on finishing All-Request August with a look at the TV miniseries loosely based on the work by Ursula K. LeGuin: Earthsea. So, watch for that review in one week's time, and for tomorrow's fully detailed temporary blog stoppage guide.

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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Annotated Links #17: Writing of Rarities and Hard Finds

1. Doctorow, Cory. "Great writing advice from this year's Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy writing workshop." Boing Boing 14 August 2012. Web. 16 August 2012.

The title really says it all for this one: it's a short collection of some great advice from this year's Clarion workshop. It's written in a straightforward style and includes a link to the blog of Sam J. Miller, one of this year's participants and a stalwart notetaker who's been benevolent enough to post most of his notes online.

Because this one showcases some great writing advice that will probably still be new to you if you've only read how-to guides and gone to a few general writing workshops it's leading off today's Annotated Links.

2. "South Korean writer to take 'Persian Myths Tour.'" Tehran Times 7 August 2012. Web. 16 August 2012.

Briefly relates the plans of Gong Wonkuk, the South Korean "walking mythologist," to visit historical sites in Iran as part of his Persian Myths Tour. It also explains that Gong will give lectures and interviews during his travels, and will ultimately write a book in 10 volumes that summarizes his tour called "Eurasian Myths." The article is written in a bare-bones style with a handful of grammatical and stylistic errors - but nothing that gets in the way of coherency.

This made it into today's Annotated Links because it offers a look into the literary culture of South Korea, and into what one of the country's literati is up to at the moment.

3. Kennedy, Maev. "Soldiers injured in Afghanistan make surprise find on UK archaeology dig." The Guardian 7 August 2012. Web. 16 August 2012.

Soldiers who had returned to the UK after serving in Afghanistan found the remains of an Anglo-Saxon warrior on a dig as part of their rehabilitation to civilian life. Their find is in the area of an ancient burial monument dating from 2000 BC. Because of the thrill of a successful dig, eight of these soldiers are now going on to study archaeology at Leicester University. This article is written in a straightforward, journalistic style.

It's rounding off today's set of links because it shows how transformative discovering something can be. In this case the discovery is archaeological, but I think the same thing can happen if you discover something amazing to write about (as Gong Wonkuk might) or how to write more effectively (following that advice from the Clarion workshop).

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Have your galoshes ready for tomorrow - Part Three of All-Request August will be posted then. This week's movie is the Deep-South horror venture Squirm!

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

[Wōdnes-dæg] Plagiarism

The Article Summed Up
Plagiarism: A Personal History
Root Causes
Plagiarism: A Crime Against Language

{An image that's direct and to the point. Image found on the blog Mono-live.}

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Perusing the day's Globe and Mail, I came across two stories that would work rather well as editorial fodder.

The first was an interview with Robin Pollock, A Torontonian currently at the Scrabble Championships in Florida. This one gave a good sense of what it took to be a champion (or just serious) Scrabble player, and would have been praised as a sign of the status of the wordsmiths among us: Not a story grand enough for the front page, but at least news-section worthy.

Delving deeper into the paper, however, I found an article that struck much deeper than anything about a board game could. I found an article in the Arts section about Fareed Zakaria and the controversy swirling around him because of the discovery of his plagiarism.

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The Article Summed Up

The article begins by relating how a blogger discovered that a large part of his recent article on gun control for Time magazine was poached from an earlier piece written by Jill Lepore and published in The New Yorker. It then goes on to show how Zakaria apologized to some of those he wronged, has been put on suspension for a month by CNN and The Washington Post, and how, despite everything swirling around him, he seems to be feeling less guilty than expected.

After relating this instance of a professional plagiarising another's work, Houpt moves onto other cases of professionals plagiarizing before finishing with the hypothesis that journalists (and writers) are spreading themselves so thin that plagiarism is to be expected. Houpt cites Zakaria's own hectic schedule over the past few months in his defense and also notes how many major journalists don't always write everything that's attributed to them.

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Plagiarism: A Personal History

All of this gives me, a young up-and-coming writer, pause - especially because of my academic background. Through all six years of my university studies plagiarism was constantly watched for, checked for, double-checked for, and avoided. All necessary citations were made as accurately as possible, and all sources that were used were included in bibliographies at the ends of papers.

Perhaps this extreme prudence came from being constantly warned about plagiarism in opening classes, in course outlines, and through email notifications. Or perhaps it came from being accused twice before.

Once it happened in elementary school where, being a little lazy and full of A's, a large section of a resource was poached to speed a project up. Then, once more I was accused in high school where the advanced argument and style of an essay made a teacher wary, though all evidence - and most importantly, the truth - were on my side.

Of course, in the former case, being guilty, I lost marks, but in the latter case I received an ever-after unthinkable 100% (on an English paper, no less).

Whatever the case in my own history, if journalists are spreading themselves thin and basically backing themselves into corners where they have no choice but to plagiarize to keep things running smoothly, then a few things might be to blame. There are the personal things - greed, audience pressure, the feeling/desire to just do more - and the matter of writers' pay.

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Root Causes

The first of these issues can be dealt with easily enough on paper. Though restraint is much more difficult to put into true practice. Simply put, though, if you're a writer and seem to be trapped in a position where you have no choice but to plagiarize to meet deadlines or to keep a blog afloat, then just ask if anything can be ended. After Zakaria's month-long suspension is over his plagiarism will probably be largely forgotten by most of the public, but this isn't something that every writer will be able to weather.

The other issue is more systemic, and less personal, but still a major concern. Anyone can write, but to write things that show up in newspapers, that show up on reputable websites, or in magazines or books, writers need training.

To become a journalist you need to know how to write, but you also need to know about things like the impact that story can have on those involved or readers in general; you need to know about how best to approach topics and subjects; and you need to know about the ethics related to the profession. It's no different with fiction, or with poetry. And those with all this training (or awareness/skill) should be properly paid.

To write for yourself is one thing, but to write for other people - in most cases, people you don't even know, and may never know - is completely different. You need to know how to write so that you can interest people, you need to know how to convey emotion by showing it to a reader rather than telling him/her about it. And you need to be able to put words together in such a way that people can enjoy reading what you write for potentially long stretches.

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Plagiarism: A Crime Against Language

Setting aside all personal and industry issues, the fact that plagiarism exists makes little sense.

English is a puny language in comparison to many others (Greek and Latin come to mind - after all, on the dance floor an Ancient Roman could just say crisa rather than "shake it!").

Yet, it's the magic of language to take a finite set of things and put them into a near infinite set of connections and orders, even to get across the same meaning. Some people call a writer's own way of putting words together to get across a meaning that another writer has already conveyed "style." Maybe that's part of the problem.

Outside of fiction and poetry, writing can sometimes drone. There are some journalists with unique voices, but more often than not the sort of thing that you'll read in a major magazine is hardly distinguishable from anything else in the same publication. By and large non-fiction writers, fiction writers, and poets have more unique voices than your standard reporter or news writer.

In part, this monotony in journalism comes from newspapers and news shows and magazines requiring a standardized tone - often authoritative - and it can be hard to maintain that tone if everyone is writing in their own unique style. The internet has helped to give people a platform to show off their own voices in their writing, but one of the trade-offs so far is the loss of that authoritative tone in a lot of what's posted online.

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Check back here tomorrow for another Annotated Links, and don't miss Friday's delve for the deserving in Squirm.

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Annotated Links #16: Video Games: History and Experimentation

1. "The History of Sound Cards and Computer Game Music." MacGateway 13 July 2012. Web. 14 August 2012.

An extensive, chronological history of major sound cards from 1981 to the present. Each entry includes a brief history of the sound card and a set of examples of the sound card at work. The entirety of the article is written in a straightforward style.

This article is included here because of its depth, and because it gives a great overview of an important part of computer and video game history.

2. Maleficent Rea, Jasmine. "Adding a shock to a Sega Genesis is a bad idea." BitMob 7 August 2012. Web. 14 August 2012.

Two French gamers have rigged shock collars up to a Sega Genesis. The shock collar delivers a small shock to the player whenever their character takes damage. The article is brief, and written casually, but includes a video (in French, with subtitles) of the modders testing their shocking modification.

This article is included because it's a console mod in action, and though it's a less than useful one, it reflects human curiosity and the desire to experiment.

3. "Transforming a Nintendo 64 into a Handheld Console." 14 July 2012. Web. 14 August 2012.

A nearly step-by-step guide on how to turn a Nintendo 64 into a handheld console in pictures. This particular guide-in-pictures uses Goldeneye 64 as it's test game.

The guide has a place in this Annotated Links because it's curious, neat, and a great use for an old console. Plus, it shows ingenuity and lateral thinking.

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Check back here tomorrow for an editorial and on Thursday for Annoted Links #17. Plus, don't miss Part Three of All-Request August: a look for the likeable in the deep-South worm-pocalypse flick, Squirm.

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Monday, August 13, 2012

[Moon-dæg] Digging Deep for Poetry?


{You may only know these words if you've read books as big as this one. The Image is "Manet's The Reader," and was found on the Eagle-Eyed Editor (ultimately from the Wikimedia Commons).}

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Today's piece is a poem written based on an earlier iteration of the 'obscure words' exercise mentioned in an earlier entry. It was originally written in January of 2008, when I was President of the University of Guelph's Creative Writing Society.

Now, the words themselves weren't recorded along with the poem (since I found this transcribed into a newer notebook), but here there are as close as I can figure (definitions from the Oxford English Dictionary Online):

  • Nasonite: (n.) "A trigonal silicate and chloride of calcium and lead, Ca4Pb6(Si2O7)3Cl2, which forms prismatic crystals and occurs as white or grey granular masses."
  • Hoodwink: (n.) A game of blind man's bluff; a blind; a person who deceives; (adj.) blindfold; (v.) to cover from sight; to blindfold mentally; to wink."
  • Draggling: (v.) "To wet or befoul (a garment, etc.) by allowing it to drag through mire or wet grass, or to hang untidily in the rain; to make wet, limp, and dirty."
  • Purloined: (adj.) "Pilfered, stolen"
  • Newspaperish: (adj) "Somewhat characteristic of or like a newspaper; having a style associated with newspapers; journalistic."

Unfortunately, I'm not sure if those last two words were in the original list, but those are the ones that look the most obscure compared to the rest of the words in this poem.

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Each and every purloined belch
Is a squeamish expulsion of Catholic conscience
Newspaperish in its regurgitation of facts
What's red and white and red and white‭
     red and white all over‎?

I cannot hoodwink those direfully‭
     skilful reporters
By trying to hide acts in‭
     nasonite mines
Collapsed now yet growing still
As their noisy pessimistic formations slowly

Yet I groan onwards under that harsh‭
My own idea of god and right
Imposed and invulnerable
To any deterioration through draggling:
What's learned in youth is never forgotten
Even in age‭ – ‬health willing‭ – ‬that light
     never goes out.

When the candle becomes a‭
     cold wax column
The smoke it made‭ alone
     will silently mourn,
With an elegiac brief dance,
The loss of those automatic lessons.

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Don't miss tomorrow's Annotated Links (and don't forget about Thursday's)! Come Wednesday, a new editorial will be up, and on Friday, join me for a search for the serviceable in 1976's animal-based horror Squirm

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Friday, August 10, 2012

[Freya-dæg] All-Request August Pt.2: Alien Apocalypse

{An Alien Apocalypse movie poster, found on}

Plot Summary
The Good
The Bad


TV movies are generally less well-produced and less innovative than most studio or independently produced films and Alien Apocalypse is no exception. Yet, even beyond it's low level production values and other made-for-TV aspects, is there anything that can especially recommend Alien Apocalypse? Let's find out.

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Plot Summary

For the past 40 years Ivan (Bruce Campbell), Kelly (Renee O'Connor), Aida (Neda Solokovska), and Chuck (Michael Cory Davis) have all been in space on a space probe mission. As they return to earth, they all have high hopes for it's being a utopian wonderland of fantastical proportions. Yet these hopes are dashed almost as quickly as aliens tend to invade when main-character types leave the planet.

As they explore their surroundings, the astronauts discover that an alien species has invaded, immolating almost all human life with neutron bombs which conveniently leave untouched one of Earth's most plenteous resources, and something as precious as gold to the aliens: The trees.

With humanity enslaved and all hope seemingly lost can these four astronauts inspire the remaining humans to break their bonds of slavery and rise up against their cruel insectoid overlords? Or will they too be drawn into the Alien Apocalypse?

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The Good

In no other film has the word "star" had more significance than it does here. Bruce Campbell is simply an amazing actor. Not because he can recite Shakespearean monologues on command or mug with the likes of Sylvester McCoy or Jim Varney, but because his presence in any movie is as durably radiant as the spacesuit he wears throughout this flic.

All kidding about his uniform aside, Campbell has absolutely excellent bits, including this exchange with a bounty hunter (BH):

      Hey scum bag - you forgot something. [Shoots with cross       bow.]
      [Pained.] You said you're a're supposed to heal       people.
      I am. Your stupidity is terminal. And now you're cured.

He also delivers his lines with conviction. With better effects and makeup, it would be easy to accept that he was in fact in the middle of the apocalyptic situation depicted in this movie.

Plus, Campbell's character Ivan totally proves to be a bad enough dude to not only find The President (Peter Jason), but also to save him. And not from some sort of terrorist cell or alien kidnapper, but from his own despair and lack of self-confidence.

On that point, the role of The President in this movie is also well played by Peter Jason. His performance communicates all of the shaky uncertainty that his character feels in every one of his little tics and gestures as much as it does his lines.

Aside from these two stellar performances, Alien Apocalypse is no stranger to decent pacing. In part, it's ability to get and hold interest comes in part from the bunch of characters recruited on the way to The President. Plus, when the movie doesn't generate interest based on action or plot development, it does so unintentionally through ridiculously choreographed or directed scenes, or over-enthusiastically delivered lines.

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The Bad

However, though much of the movie's dialogue is delivered in a humorous fashion, there are some lines that will make even the most hardened bad movie afficianado wince. Just such a one comes when Ivan uncharacteristically says the following in response to a warning that the countryside is full of bounty hunters:

"You know those bounty hunters are fags, I can get past them."

Then there's the matter of the aliens themselves. They're menacing, in their own way, but since their likes have been seen and thoroughly trounced in any video game from the fifth generation of consoles it's hard to take their threat seriously.

{Making a cameo appearance are humanoid forms of the aliens from the N64's Body Harvest.}

Underlying these problems though are structural issues that the movie neither addresses nor pokes fun at.

The space probe mission was gone for 40 years. 20 years into their absence, the aliens invaded, and so 20 years later the shuttle lands and earth is in ruins.

Now, because the aliens used neutron bombs, this makes some sense - they could easily devastate large swathes of the planet with such instruments of destruction. But, as far as I can tell, such bombs would not have any or much effect on the survivor's social memory (all issues of trauma aside). This is the biggest problem with the movie.

Why? Because it's been 20 years since humanity's been enslaved, but only a handful seem to remember what things like "doctors" are, and no-one seems to realize that the aliens are beings that can be killed or harmed - just like them.

This would make sense if every one of the surviving humans were evangelical Christians of a sect that believed that god would send cleansing angels down to earth, leaving only the saved to be the angels slaves, but whether or not the survivors are all part of a single group is never established. The best guess that can be offered is that they're just ragged remnants.

And speaking of being ragged, after just 20 years it's hard to imagine that everyone would be dressed in soiled rags. Do neutron bombs destroy things like clothing warehouses? After a few years of alien enslavement would humanity be so depressed that they'd just stop changing their clothes?

More generally, within 20 years of enslavement would humanity lose its independent spirit to such an extent that their alien overlords would boast of the humans' innate subservience? Since this movie was made in 2005, the lack of any social media or mobile device reference is excusable, but no technology is noted as having survived the bombing.

Pressing the matter of technology further, aside from neutron bombs and what appear to be high-tech air-cannons, the aliens don't seem to be that advanced. They live in what looks like a giant beaver dam on land, and worship a giant termite in the sky. Their religion certainly could have been more developed, or their relationship with humans could have been so that we'd get more of an explanation for this fashion accessory:

Yes, all of the slaves wear oversized medical masks so that they can't talk.

It's an interesting idea, but it's also the epitome of everything that's wrong with this movie: a complete lack of explanation where one is necessary either for sense or the sake of connecting the movie's sometimes disparate elements. Running with the concept of these masks, it's never addressed why the slaves should have their mouths bound but not their hands or feet.

Was the human voice supposed to be harmful to the aliens in some way? Since the movie refuses to make connections between elements of its setting and plot, we'll never know.

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Alien Apocalypse is a movie that has some great actors, some well-delivered lines, and a few interesting characters. But these elements aren't put together into a cohesive whole.

Hokey effects and make-up aside, the movie lacks a threat. If you sit and think about the movie's premise it quickly becomes clear that it's fundamentally flawed. The basic premise that aliens come to earth for our wood is fine, but it's presented in a strange way here. For example, we're never told why wood-eating aliens need to have it processed into 2x4s. Is that how wood grows on their planet? Are they addicted to processed foods?

Moreover, the temporal aspect of the plot makes little to no sense. The human spirit wouldn't be crushed after 20 years of alien enslavement, especially not in the Pacific Northwest, (near Portland, OR). Nor would such a brief period of bondage lead to a widespread lack of memories about such things as doctors and handshaking. What the heck have people been talking about for the past 20 years?

Granted, making the time span longer would mean that the president would be dead, but since most people don't believe that the aliens can be killed for completely unexplained reasons (surely those who were born before the invasion would remember and know that, as Ivan says, "everything dies") they'd probably still think he was around anyway. Plus, having astronauts come back to earth from space is a classic way to introduce time travel plot elements.

Though time travel could be in play, we never are told if the 40 years the astronauts were gone is equal to 40 years on earth, though that is the implication.

Bruce Campbell is definitely a high point in this movie, but even he isn't able to save it. But then, few are they who can pull of being covered in spurting green goo with poise and dignity I suppose.

So, Freya, just fly right over this one. Let it lay where it lies, for it's best use is as fertilizer in the Field of Fallen Films. Perhaps, one day, from the decay of it's ridiculously flawed execution of a mediocre premise will sprout a new hope.

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Next week in the blog watch for more creative writing, a new editorial, Annotated Links #16 and #17, and for Part Three of All-Request August: A look for the loveable in Squirm.

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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Annotated Links #15: Refreshing Language, Renewing Knowledge

1. Doll, Jen. "A Dictionary of Despicable Words." The Atlantic Wire 7 August 2012. Web. 10 August 2012.

This is a list of despised words that readers of The Atlantic Wire have contributed. Each word's entry includes a brief description of why it is so reviled. The list and its introduction are written in a conversational, lightly humourous style.

This article is included because it offers a cross-section of the English words that many would like to see left behind.

2. Carswell, Beth. "Singularity & Co: Saving Out-of-Print Science Fiction." Abe Books 8 August 2012. Web. 10 August 2012.

Details how a group called Singularity & Co. is going to start a bookstore online and in Brooklyn, New York that will feature one new, formerly out-of-print science fiction book every month. Each month the group is accepting votes and suggestions on titles to bring back and has pledged to bring back whichever book has the greatest support. The article is written in a straightforward style and includes a lengthy excerpt from Singularity & Co. themselves.

The article is included in this Annotated Links because this project is incredible and deserves as much support as possible. It's also in keeping with today's theme of refreshing old knowledge. If they expand into fantasy, it could make Eve Forward's Villains By Necessity much easier to find.

3. "Cataclysmic volcano wreaked havoc on medieval Britain." Medieval News 6 August 2012. Web. 10 August 2012.

A volcano that erupted somewhere in the tropics during the 13th century is believed to have affected distant London. This eruption may be the reason for the heavy rains, crop failure, and famine noted in thirteenth century records, or so archaeologists who have been baffled by medieval London burial pits believe. This article is written in a crisp, English style of reportage.

Although it's not about language, this article is all about new discoveries altering existing knowledge.

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Tomorrow, be sure to come by the blog and join me for a look for the good in the Sci Fi Channel's Alien Apocalypse.

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

[Wōdnes-dæg] Book Covers or Ebook Reviews?

The Article Summed Up
Covers, Reviews, Impressions
Undercutting and Supporting

{An interactive and tactile cover that complements the story of 1Q84 - reproducible in ebook form? Image found on Style Ledger.}

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Although hardcopy books might seem to be disappearing from the lives of many as more and more people get ereaders, the old saying "don't judge a book by its cover" still has some currency. Yet, as books make the transition from paper to screen, their covers could become a thing of the past.

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The Article Summed Up

An article from NPR Books came to my attention through a Google Alert of mine.

The article posits that, in the past, books could sell based on their covers alone, while now ebooks aren't bought because of covers, but because word of them gets around or people read reviews.

However, Chip Kidd, an associate art director with Alfred A. Knopf, has no fear for the future of book covers. Kidd's theory is that hardcover books, the focus of his work, have always been luxury items, and that they will endure as such in spite of publishing's ongoing transition into the digital world.

Included with the article is a short recording that summarizes and expands upon it.

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Covers, Reviews, Impressions

As much as reviews or mentions by friends might help to make books attractive to online readers, covers can really make or break a book.

Even if you've seen a book a few times, a really powerful cover can grab your attention with every pass. And as much as a review can help you to make an informed decision about a book, a book that's bought because of a review is a book bought based on reason rather than instinct. A book's cover can evoke a more visceral response, which can lead to stronger feelings both during and after reading it.

In fact, buying a book based on it's cover (along with a quick peek inside, perhaps) can make the experience of reading that book more enjoyable.

Instead of knowing what to expect from a writer's style, a book's story, or it's characters as you might after reading a review, peeking at a book's cover and blurb gives you a more nebulous impression of a book. The difference is like that between the impression a person whom you're meeting for the first time but have heard about before and the impression that someone completely new to you leaves.

Maybe you don't remember the book's title after an initial encounter, just as you might not remember a person's name, but if a cover and a peek at the text leave any impression at all you've just formed something that reading that book (once you get around to that) can cause to grow and change with more fluidity than a first impression from a review or word of mouth.

Now, the same could be argued about word of mouth or a review. These things also leave you with a first impression of a book comparable to that which you're left with after meeting someone for the first time. But the major difference is that in this situation your first impression isn't really your own. Instead, it's pre-formed based on what you've been told or read.

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Undercutting and Supporting

Of course, it could be argued that this talk of varying extents of first impressions (first and second hand) and the effects that they have on your perceptions of a book is just splitting hairs. This is a valid argument, though, and now my English degrees might be showing through, having first impressions that are entirely your own - and therefore based on a cover rather than a review or word of mouth - will lead to a richer personal experience of the book.

But perhaps the extra personal element that covers bring to books, just as their durability, is something that makes hard-copy, hard-cover books luxury items.

In a world that's constantly socializing the individualized experience of seeing an entrancing cover and knowing you must buy that book might just become another selling point for books that are read off of paper rather than a screen.

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Tomorrow's Annotated Links will carry today's literary focus forward, while Friday's search for the salvageable in Alien Apocalypse may take a different turn. Be sure to check back here to find out!

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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Annotated Links #14: Science and Human Acheivement

1. Tucker, Phil. "Web designer building nuclear fusion reactor with parts from eBay." 2 August 2012. Web. 7 August 2012.

Brooklyn-based web designer Mark Suppes has been building a small-scale fusion reactor out of parts bought on Ebay over the past four years. Suppes has no nuclear physics background, but after a video made by Dr Robert Bussard inspired him to take up the challenge of building a working fusion reactor he has remained unfazed. The article is written in straightforward style that ultimately leans more towards reportage than possible human interest aspects of the story.

This article is included here because its subject is a testament to the innovative spirit of individuals and to the power that inspiration has to help people trailblaze.

2. Brandrick, Chris. "Want to live on Mars? Here's your chance." MSN Tech & Gadgets 31 July 2012. Web. 7 August 2012.

Mars One, a Dutch company founded by Bas Lansdrop, is looking to send a team of 10 civilians on a one-way settlement mission to Mars. The company will take on 40 volunteers through an international lottery in 2013 and, after specialized training, 10 of these 40 will be sent on the mission.
Mars One plans to send a communications satellite to Mars in 2016, to follow up with "settlement units" in 2020, and to send the crew itself in December of 2022, arriving on the red planet in April of 2023. The article is written with a slightly incredulous tone, while delivering bare facts. It also includes a link back to the original story as it appeared on Y!Tech.

This article is included because it showcases the audacity that humanity possesses when faced with the chance to delve into totally new territory. If you had no strong connections to Earth, wouldn't you enter the lottery and hope to be picked?

3. Gonzalez, Robert T. "Carl Sagan’s message to future explorers of Mars will cold-cock you right in the touchy feelies." io9 7 August 2012. Web. 7 August 2012.

Gonzalez features the full Carl Sagan quote from which a shorter excerpt has been bandied about the internet of late. The article also includes a brief introduction to the full quote, and mentions the reciprocal relationship between science and science fiction.

This article is included in this edition of Annotated Links because the Carl Sagan quote beautifully expresses why people have sought to climb high mountains, to write long works of fiction or philosophy, and to explore other worlds.

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Don't miss tomorrow's editorial, where I offer my thoughts on book covers and ebooks, or Thursday's Annotated Links.

Plus, be sure to be around on Friday for Part Two of All-Request August: A search for the good (aside from the laughs) in the Bruce Campbell-starring, terrible-effects-having, quality-filming-using Alien Apocalypse.

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Monday, August 6, 2012

[Moon-dæg] Fiction in a Melodramatic Flash

A Long-Awaited Kiss

{Genies are generally benevolent when found in lamps, but what about when found in pens? Image found on}

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Today's piece of writing came from a writing prompt that called for describing multiple simultaneous actions and embellishing those descriptions with the senses. A kiss was given as an example of a scenario, and I ran with that.

Describing multiple things is a great challenge for any writer because of the limitations of the medium. Unlike art, music, or film, words alone can convey one thing at a time (or two, if you count what a word on the page is not saying as well as what it's saying).

This piece doesn't exactly exemplify the ability of the written word to express multiple simultaneous things, but it does introduce a curious plot that definitely deserves expansion.

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A Long-Awaited

Their eyes met and locked shortly before their lips. She noticed that he closed his eyes seconds before she did so herself, but she didn't mind. An extra few seconds, however short, of gazing into his kaleidoscopic hazel eyes, knowing that his lips were already closed around hers - just as their arms, and shortly she blushed, their legs, perhaps, were - heightened all of her senses.

That's why, as their lips locked, and their eyes closed, she finally noticed a pen in her pocket jabbing into her leg. It can't be drawing blood, no - she thought, struggling to keep her arms around his shoulders, her hands at the middle of his back.

But if it's jabbing me that must mean it's open.

And if it's open...

The stream of her thoughts hit a rock as she felt their lips parting slightly and his tongue edging through them. She sent hers to meet his, but wondered if she'd done it too quicky, if she'd maybe thrown him off. She soon realized that such was not the case.

Oh well. As long as he's distracted he won't notice me being distracted. Maybe I should just tell him.

As their tongues embraced and broke apart and embraced again, she thought she caught a whiff of ink. She mentally waved it away and tried to relax her shoulders, her thighs.

Yet, as she felt the rush of the outside air coming into her mouth from over her teeth and past their tangling tongues, she imagined herself pulling away, looking at the man as seriously as she could, and telling him that they needed to stop what they were doing right away because an interdimensional menace might have escaped from a sealed click pen she kept in her pocket.

The image lingered.

No. No that just wouldn't do.

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Check back here tomorrow for Annotated Links #14. Come Wednesday, I'll have posted the editorial, and on Thursday watch for Annotated Links #15. Then, Friday will see the uploading of Part Two of All-Request August: Alien Apocalypse.

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